SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3370513 - How to change the value from 'CreatedBy' field - OData API


You wish to know how to change the 'CreatedBy' field presented on all Employee Central OData entities.

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SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central


This is a system and not upsertable field, meaning that only the system is able change this value. The value that is stored in this field will always be the name of the person who has created the record.

Let's use EmployeeTime entity as an example. On UI we can see the field 'Requester', which on OData is translated to 'CreatedBy'. If we log to the system with user 'Test User 123' and create a Leave Request, then the 'Requester' name will be placed with 'Test User 123'.

If we check for the properties of this field on OData API Data Dictionary, we can see that this field is not:

  • Creatable (end user point of view, it's creatable for the system)
  • Updatable
  • Upsertable

Meaning that we cannot manually change this value, that being via UI, Import or API.


createdby, requester, upsertable, creatable, updatable, odata , KBA , LOD-SF-INT-EC , Employee Central SFAPI & OData Entities , How To


SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite all versions