SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3371141 - Upserting MDF objects with multiple childs does not display detailed error message when failing


You have a scenario where an upsert is being performed for an MDF object.

This Object has a Root/Child structure which means that you are either upserting both Root and Childs or only the child object.

What you have noticed is that regardless of the way how you perform the upsert, if at least one of the child upserted fails, the whole payload fail and the error message displayed is general not specifying which object exactly has failed.

Furthermore, the same behavior is not observing if you are performing the same actions via UI or import once there you can see specific error messages for each child that actually failed.


  • SuccessFactors Odata APIs 

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Create 2 MDF objects with a Root and Child structure (similar to payment information / payment information details)
  2. Create any business rule with the logic for raising an error message on some specific situation
  3. Navigate to manage data and:
    1. select create the Root Object
    2. add multiple child objects with some intentionally triggering the Error Message business rule
    3. click save and observe that the error message detailed specifically which child object failed
  4. Now, go to import and export data
    1. import multiple child objects following the same logic as with the UI making some intentionally fail
    2. notice that you'll also get detailed error message
  5. Finally, try to perform the same actions via upsert api operation
    1. notice that if at least one child failes, all the upsert fails with the same message


Expected Behavior


Our SuccessFactors API currently does not have a logic to trigger specific error messages for multiple child upserts.

Currently we do have an enhancement created for this but with no ETA.

If you have any further questions about the enhancement, please contact your account representative or CSP.


error messages in odata upsert, upserting multipl childs does not provide detailed error message, MDF-83011 , KBA , LOD-SF-INT-MDF , Metadata Framework API (MDF) , Product Enhancement


SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite all versions