Under certain circumstances, SAP IQ server cannot correctly count the core number at startup.
Therefore, Even if you have generated the license file with the correct number of Physical cores, SAP IQ server fails to start with "No SYSAM License Available".
wmic shows as 4 cores. Therefore, the license file has generated IQ_CORE with 4 cores.
But, "Insufficient IQ_CORE CPU licenses." error occurs. Because, SAP IQ server is doing checkout IQ_CORE license with 8 cores.
.srvlog shows as 4 cores. But, .iqmsg and cpuinfo shows as 8 cores.
wmic cpu get NumberOfCores
I. 07/24 01:12:44. Processors detected: 8 logical processor(s) on 4 core(s) on 1 physical processor(s)
I. 07/24 01:12:44. This server is licensed to use: all logical processors in the system
I. 07/24 01:12:44. Processors in use by server: 8 logical processor(s) on 4 core(s) on 1 physical processor(s)
I. 07/24 01:12:44. Running Windows 2019 Build 17763 on X86_64
I. 07/24 01:12:46. 0000000000 Using licenses from: C:\Sybase\SYSAM-2_0\licenses\SAPIQ.lic;C:\Windows\system32\*.lic
I. 07/24 01:12:46. 0000000000 Failed to obtain license(s) for IQ_CORE feature from license file(s) or server(s).
I. 07/24 01:12:46. 0000000000 Insufficient IQ_CORE CPU licenses. IQ requires 8 IQ_CORE ("DT") CPU licenses for use on this machine but only 4 could be obtained. Check whether additional licenses are available at the SAP Support Portal.
I. 07/24 01:12:46. 0000000000 License feature name: IQ_CORE
I. 07/24 01:12:46. 0000000000 License search path: C:\Sybase\SYSAM-2_0\licenses\SAPIQ.lic;C:\Windows\system32\*.lic
I. 07/24 01:12:46. 0000000000 FlexNet Licensing error:-73,125
I. 07/24 01:12:46. 0000000000 License Checkout Failed for IQ_CORE
I. 07/24 01:12:46. 0000000000 I. 07/24 01:12:46. Exception Thrown from oslib\hos_sysam.cxx:916, Err# 0, tid 137 origtid 137
I. 07/24 01:12:46. 0000000000 O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 549 (hos_sysamException); SQLCode: -1006269, SQLState: 'QBC69', Severity: 14
I. 07/24 01:12:46. 0000000000 [21161]: No SYSAM License Available
cpuinfo -v
2023/08/08 10:29:37 cpuinfo: Hostid = xxxxxxxxxxxx DISK_SERIAL_NUM=xxxxxxxx
License hostid: xxxxxxxxxxxx DISK_SERIAL_NUM=xxxxxxxx
Detected 8 logical processor(s), 8 core(s), in 1 chip(s)
- SAP IQ 16.1 SP04 PL14 (SySAM Licensing API/2.4 SP02 PL00)
- Microsoft Windows
- AWS EC2 (Instance : t3a.2xlarge)
SYSAM, sysam, ASE, Rep, Sybase, , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem
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