SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3372003 - Total Hours Recorded Show Incorrect Value in Time Sheet


You are reviewing the time sheet of an employee, and notice that the Total Hours Recorded column for a specific day shows an incorrect value.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Time Administration work center.
  2. Enter the Time Sheet view.
  3. Search and select the employee.
  4. Click on the Open Time Sheet button.
  5. Navigate to the required week.

Here in the Time Sheet table, the column Total Hours Recorded show a different value than the sum of all times recorded for the employee on that day.

Note: The times considered for the time sheet can be checked by clicking on the day, then scrolling down to the Details table that opens on the bottom of the screen.


Employee is assigned to a time recording profile which has a break deduction configured.


In order to check the time recording profile, follow the below steps:

  1. Go to the Time Administration work center.
  2. Enter the Employees view.
  3. Search and select the employee.
  4. Click on the Edit button.
  5. Navigate to the Time Profile tab.
  6. Select the currently active time profile from the Time Profiles tab.
  7. In the Basic Data panel below, check the Time Recording Profile.

To check the time recording profile configuration, you can follow the below steps:

  1. Go to the Business Configuration work center.
  2. Enter the Overview view.
  3. Search for the activity "Time Types - X" (where X represents the country of the employee).
  4. Enter the sub-activity Maintain Time Recording Profile.
  5. From the Time Recording Profiles table, select the profile assigned to the employee.

Under the Working Time Rules table below, check for the option Minimum Break Deduction.

The minimum break deduction can be configured to automatically deduct a certain amount of time after the employee reaches a threshold of working times booked in a day.

For example, it is possible to configure that after an employee books 10 hours of working time, 1 hour will be automatically deducted from working times booked above these 10 hours.

This can also be configured in 2 separated methods:

  • Partial Break Deduction: The system deducts any time booked over the threshold, even if it does not complete the break duration. In the example above any time booked over 10 hours will be deducted, even if it does not complete 1 hour.
  • Full Break Deduction: The deduction will only happen if the times booked over the threshold complete the break duration. In the example above, the deduction will only happen if the employee books at least 1 hour over the normal 9 hours.


TLM, Time File, Overtime , KBA , SRD-HR-TLM , Time and Labour Management , How To


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