You have received an email similar to the one below and would like to know more details. The email contains the following information:
- We noticed a huge number of API calls being made from your Cloud Integration tenant which is causing a overload on our micro service. This results in showing empty data on monitoring page and at times customer receives time timeout exceptions on monitoring page.
The main suspect for the high utilization on monitoring UI is the “CPI-Helper” Chrome Extension. Kindly suggest your developers to disable it immediately and keep it that way <DATE>.
- SAP Business Technology Platform
- SAP Integration Suite
- Cloud Integration
Cloud Integration all versions ; SAP Integration Suite 1.0
Cloud Integration, SAP Integration Suite, SAP Cloud Platform Integration, Cloud Platform Integration, SAP CPI, CPI, SCPI, HANA Cloud Integration, HCI, SAP HCI, tenant, iFlow, Integration Flow, mail, action, CPI, API, High, Helper, Extension, Chrome , KBA , LOD-HCI-PI-MPL , Message Processing Log and Monitoring Functions , How To
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