- Trying to create a Real Time Replication Task using WebIDE, and getting following error.
- [10:25:33] Package /*** created successfully.
[10:26:08] File /***.hdbreptask created successfully.
[10:29:19] File /***.hdbreptask saved & activated successfully.
[10:29:37] Start executing ***....
[10:30:08] Executing task plan failed:Error executing SQL command in task.;Error executing ALTER_REMOTE_SUBSCRIPTION_QUEUE with command: 'ALTER REMOTE SUBSCRIPTION "SYSTEM"."***" QUEUE'. ,exception 71000129: SQLExceptionexception 71000256: QUEUE: ***: Failed to add subscription for remote subscription ***[id = ***] in remote source ***[id = ***]. Error: exception 151050: CDC add subscription failed: RS[***]: Failed to add the first subscription. Error: SQL Server is not initialized. Please run server initialization script first.
- SAP HANA Smart Data Integration
SAP HANA smart data integration all versions
SDI, replication, subscription, Failed to add the first subscription, SQL Server is not initialized. Please run server initialization script first , KBA , HAN-DP-SDI , SAP HANA smart data integration (SDI) , Problem
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