SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3375906 - Error: “Language Key (KNA1-SPRAS) is a required entry field” While Creating a Business Partner in the S/4HANA Cloud System


Using the OData API_BUSINESS_PARTNER, upon trying to create a Business Partner in the S/4HANA Cloud system, the system throws the error:

Language Key (KNA1-SPRAS) is a required entry field



Reproducing the Issue

To perform the POST call:

  1. Login to the third-party tool
  2. Perform a POST operation for the API Business Partner - Replicate from Client to SAP S/4HANA Cloud

Example of the query:${=java.util.UUID.randomUUID()}

where xxxxxx represents the tenant URL of the S/4HANA cloud system


Sample Request Payload as below:


  "BusinessPartner": "string",

  "AcademicTitle": "stri",

  "AuthorizationGroup": "stri",

  "BusinessPartnerCategory": "s",

  "BusinessPartnerGrouping": "stri",



  "Language": "st",






System throws the error:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<error xmlns="">


<message xml:lang="en">Language Key (KNA1-SPRAS) is a required entry field</message>






The standard communication which is the Correspondence Language is not passed in the Request Payload



To solve the reported error, provide the Correspondence Language in the Request Payload and execute to create the Business Partner.

In the Request Payload, the "CorrespondenceLanguage": "st", refers to the Correspondence language (written) for Business Partners in the 'Person' category. Maintain the correspondence language for Business Partners in the 'Organization' and 'Group' category with the address (communication).

When transferring data (direct input), ensure that for a 'Person', the field 'LANGU_CORR' and for an 'Organization' or "Group" the field 'LANGU' has an entry.
Data Element: BU_LANGU_CORR

The "Language": "st", refers to the Language for verbal communication with a Business Partner. This language may differ from the language(s) defined for written correspondence.
Data Element: BU_LANGU

See Also



Correspondence Language, BU_LANGU, Person, BU_LANGU_CORR, Language, Business Partner, SPRAS, Organization, API_BUSINESS_PARTNER, OData, KNA1  , KBA , AP-MD-BP-RL , Business Partner Roles , Problem


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition all versions