SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3381052 - LargeString or LargeBinary attributes in SAP Datasphere Analytic Model


One of the following symptoms occur when using LargeString or LargeBinary attributes in a dimension of SAP Datasphere Analytic Model: 
When deploying an Analytical Model in Datasphere an error message appears:

  • The deploy fails:
    "The deployment of AM was unsuccessful.

    Error(s): Failed to execute a database statement for Artifact XX of type column store error: fail to create scenario: [34011] Inconsistent calculation model;calculationNode (finalNode) -> operation (SemanticQueryOp): semanticQuery doesn't support the lob datatype of attribute XX ,Details (Errors): - calculationNode (finalNode) -> operation (SemanticQueryOp): semanticQuery doesn't support the lob datatype of attribute XX [...]";

  • A warning appears: "Attribute type from attribute " " in dimension source " " is not supported:

  • In the preview the attributes are not present:

  • Attributes are not visible as "Dimensions" in SAC while creation of SAC story.


SAP Datasphere


LargeString or LargeBinary data types are not supported by the analytics engine as of now.


Do not add attributes with data type LargeString or LargeBinary to an Analytical Model, consider using a CAST function as below example:

The warning will disappear in the analytical model and attribute will appear in the preview: 

See Also

3318189 - DataSphere Model with attributetype "LargeString" they are not visible as "Dimensions" in SAC

Creating an Analytic Model


LargeBinary, LargeString, LOB, attribute, preview, A SQL error happened. For details you could check on the SQL-Error-Code: 264 - invalid datatype,  "cds.LargeBinary","cds.LargeString","hana.CLOB","cds.hana.CLOB", dwc , KBA , DS-MD-AM , Analytic Model , Problem


SAP Datasphere all versions


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