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3381232 - ImageMagick fails when the image name contains dakuten (Japanese diacritic) - SAP Commerce Cloud


In ccv2 converting images from Backoffice failed.

Following errors can be seen in logs:

"level": "ERROR",
"loggerName": "de.hybris.platform.mediaconversion.conversion.DefaultMediaConversionService",
"message": "Failed to convert media to format 'ConversionMediaFormatModel (8796158656563@7)'.",
"thrown": {
"commonElementCount": 0,
"localizedMessage": "Failed to convert container 'test-container to format 70Wx70H.",
"message": "Failed to convert container 'test-container to format 70Wx70H.",
"name": "de.hybris.platform.servicelayer.exceptions.ModelNotFoundException",
"cause": {
"commonElementCount": 93,
"localizedMessage": "An error occurred while creating/updating the converted media model of original media pk 8912949051422",
"message": "An error occurred while creating/updating the converted media model of original media pk 8912949051422",
"name": "de.hybris.platform.mediaconversion.conversion.MediaConversionException"

This issue only happens when the image name contains dakuten (Japanese diacritic) and uses Chrome browser on Mac OS

Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.



Product version: All SAP Commerce Cloud versions


SAP Commerce Cloud all versions


ImageMagick, media conversion, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Mac, Media, dakuten, 濁点, German Umlaut , KBA , CEC-SCC-PLA-PL , Platform , Problem

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