When you are trying to create a new electronic financial report run, you are facing the error: AAA is not available for selection when you enter AAA in the balance sheet structure field (AAA represents the balance sheet structure ID).
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to General Ledger work center.
- Go to 'Electronic Financial Reporting - Germany' view.
- Click 'New: Electronic Financial Report Run'.
- Enter AAA in balance sheet structure, can see error: AAA is not available for selection.
- Enter BBB in income statement structure, can see error: BBB is not available for selection.
AAA is not maintained in taxonomies for electronic financial reporting under financial reporting structure type: balance sheet.
BBB is not maintained in taxonomies for electronic financial reporting under financial reporting structure type: income statement.
Please kindly maintain taxonomy with balance sheet, taxonomy with income statement as follows:
- Go to Business Configuration work center.
- Go to activity: taxonomies for electronic financial reporting.
- Maintain AAA for financial reporting structure type: balance sheet.
- Maintain BBB for financial reporting structure type: income statement.
You can also refer help doc: <Assign Financial Reporting Structures> for more information.
electronic financial report run, not available for selection, balance sheet, income statement , KBA , SRD-FIN-GL , General Ledger , Problem