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3384519 - Error "User does not have the authorization to call the necessary functions of group RFC_METADATA" in Analysis Office


Error in AO trace when trying to access BW system from Analysis Office:
"User does not have the authorization to call the necessary functions of group RFC_METADATA in system XYZ"

The error can be a little different in some older AO versions:

"User does not have the autorization to call the neccessary functions of group RFC_METADATA in System XYZ"

The dev_nco_rfc.log trace (see SAP Note 1830850) contain the following entries:
error when retrieving metadata from XYZ via destination
attempting to select an alternate destination
SAP.Middleware.Connector.RfcInvalidParameterException: Element EX_FUNCTIONS of container metadata RFC_METADATA_GET unknown
at SAP.Middleware.Connector.RfcFunction.RfcCallReceive(RfcConnection conn, RFCID rid)



SAP Analysis for Microsoft Office


SAP Analysis for Microsoft Office all versions


Element EX_FUNCTIONS of container metadata RFC_METADATA_GET unknown, attempting to select an alternate destination, NCo, .net , KBA , BI-RA-AO-XLA , Excel Addin , Problem

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