SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview

3389427 - DC10 | Transport is not possible for the specified data


You try to record table keys to a Customizing request manually in transaction DC10. This information appears: Transport is not possible for the specified data.

Transport is not possible for the specified data

Message no. SV142


You want to copy data from a table or a view into a change request manually. This function is not intended for these data.

The data are either purely local, so that they can not be transported, or they are copied into the change request by a separate function. This can e.g. be the case for components of a more complex transport object.

System Response

The requested function can not be carried out. Processing is terminated.


Please contact your system manager.



This KBA applies to all SAP Products based on Netweaver and S4H.


SAP ERP all versions ; SAP S/4HANA all versions


SV 142, Transport der Originale für ALE festlegen, Transportanscluss, Dokumentenverwaltung Dokumentarten definieren, IMG-Aktivitäten Dokumentarten definieren, RE-FX: Flexibles  Immobilienmanagement, Dokumentarten definieren, Umfeld (QM) Dokumentarten definieren, Rezeptentwicklung, Dokumentenarten und Dokumentstatus prüfen, Produktkonformität, Dokumentarten, Dokumentstatus, Grunddaten und Werkzeuge, Archivierungsberechtigung für Dokumentarten setzen, Grunddaten und Werkzeuge, SAP Product and REACH Compliance, 
Freischaltabwicklung, Dokumentarten definieren, Document Management Define Document Types, IMG Activities Define Document Types, RE-FX: Flexible Real Estate Management, Define  Document Types, Environment (QM), Recipe Development, Check Document Types and Document Statuses, Product Compliance, Check Document Types and Document Status, Basic Data and Tools, Set Archiving Authorization for Document Types, Basic Data and Tools, Check Document Types and Document Statuses, Product and REACH Compliance Check Document Types and Document Status, Work Clearance Management Define Document Types , KBA , CA-DMS-EDT , Document Processing , CA-DMS , Document management , BC-CUS-TOL-TME , View Maintenance Tool , Problem

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