Changing the assignment of Accounts Principles to ledgers results in FAA_CFG_CHECK151 - CoCode &1: AccPrinc assignmt cannot be changed; asset master data exists
S4/Hana Cloud
Reproducing the Issue
In SSCUI Assign Accounting Principles to Ledgers and Company Codes - 103556, try to change to Accounts Principle assigned to the available ledgers.
FAA_CFG_CHECK151 is typically raised if there is still master and/or transactional data within quality or productive system. Also draft versions of asset master data needs to be removed by using the "discard draft" option within Manage Fixed Assets app.
A company code reset via the "Schedule Accounting Data Changes" app and create a job with Job Template "Reset Transaction Data".
See Also
FINSVC_LEDGER_ACCPR , KBA , FI-AA-AA-A-2CL , Master Data (Public Cloud) , Problem