- You are running a readiness check and the job RC_COLLECT_ANALYSIS_DATA has a long runtime and the job log contains:
"Wait for the Data Volume Management data collection job for 10 minutes for the X time."
- The job log of the TMW_RC_DVM_DATA_COLL job contains:
DVM data collection job "BO APPLICATION ANALYSIS 01" is scheduled.
Wait for the DVM job for 10 minutes for the X time.
- In TCode SM37, the BO Application Analysis 01 job is in status 'Released', with a long delay
SAP Solution Manager 7.2
SAP Solution Manager 7.2
rc_collect_analysis_data, DVM, readiness check, long runtime, Wait for the DVM job, Wait for the Data Volume Management data collection, BO APPLICATION ANALYSIS,, TMW_RC_DVM_DATA_COLL , KBA , SV-SMG-DVM , Data Volume Management , Problem
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