- Test connection of MSSQL datastore failed in CPIDS.
- Test connection with ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server 64bit in agent machine with same database is successful.
- Error:
- Test failed for the default configuration 'XXX' of datastore: 'XXX': ODBC call <SQLDriverConnect> to connect database <XXX> failed with error: <ODBC call <SQLDriverConnect> for data source <XXX> failed: <[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server]Invalid connection string attribute>. Notify Customer Support.>. Use the ODBCDriverSelector (Windows) or (UNIX) utility in LINK_DIR/bin to configure the correct version of the driver. If the problem still exists after selecting the correct version of the driver, notify Customer Support.
- [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified>"
- The field <User Name:> cannot be empty. Please enter a value. (BODI-1220393)
- Same datastore works fine before, but fails suddenly.
- SAP Cloud Integration for data services
- SQL Server OnPrem database
- Agent version or lower
SAP Cloud Integration for data services 1.0
CIDS, CPIDS, invalid connection string attribute, MSSQL, connection failed, test connection, Data source name not found, <User Name:> cannot be empty , KBA , LOD-HCI-DS-AGNT , On-Premise Agent, Connectivity, Task Run errors , Problem
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