SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3391492 - Inconsistent Document ID Between Accounts Receivable Open Items Report And Supplier Invoice


When you check the report: accounts receivable open items, you noticed that the document ID is not the supplier invoice ID.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

First check the report - accounts receivable open items:

  1. Go to Payables work center.
  2. Go to Reporting view.
  3. Search and click on report: accounts receivable open items.
  4. After enter the required information, you can find the document ID on the report is: AAA instead of CCC. external reference ID is: BBB.

Then check the supplier invoices:

  1. Go to Payables work center.
  2. Go to Supplier Account view.
  3. Find and select the respective supplier.
  4. Search with external reference ID: BBB.
  5. You can find there are two invoices, and the document ID: CCC is already cleared, and the document ID: AAA is still open.


Report: accounts receivable open items would only show open items. As this is a split invoice situation, and invoice CCC does not show in the report because it is already cleared. Invoice AAA shows in the report because it is open.


This is the expected system behavior.


accounts receivable open items, document ID, supplier invoice ID , KBA , SRD-FIN-ACR , Receivables , Problem


SAP Business ByDesign all versions