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3392148 - ASE HADR update via hostagent failed with error Cannot update RS


  1. Performing ASE HADR Rolling Update using SAP Host agent and instructions provided in SAP note note 2800495.

  2. Update Primary ASE completed with success.

  3. Update on Standby ASE

    ./saphostctrl -user sapadm **** -function LiveDatabaseUpdate -dbname <SID> -dbtype syb -dbinstance <SID>_REP -updatemethod Execute -updateoption TASK=UPDATE_RS -updateoption DROP_LOCATION="/DIR/Packages"

    failed with error

    Error: Command execution failed. : Cannot update RS while different serivce is already running: ROLLING_UPDATE. (fault code: 127)
  4. Log files :

    <timestamp>  == LiveUpdate started ==
    <timestamp>  TASK_NAME=UPDATE_RS
    <timestamp>  UPDATE_RS=Cannot update RS while different serivce is already running: ROLLING_UPDATE

    dev_sapdbctrl log
    [PID ***] get_fileacc /sybase/<SID>/sapdbctrl-config.
    [PID ***] stat file '/sybase/<SID>/sapdbctrl-config': 13
    [PID ***] readFileToLines:  Reading file: /sybase/<SID>/sapdbctrl-config/lupd_phase
    [PID ***] luReadPhase:  Phase: makestandby
    [PID ***] luReadPhase:  Service: ROLLING_UPDATE
    [PID ***] luReadPhase:  Failed over: 
    [PID ***] ERROR AT sybServer.cpp:luAppendResult:46082 TIME: xxx DESCRIPTION: Cannot update RS while different serivce is already running: ROLLING_UPDATE LAST OS-ERROR: (2) : No such file or directory
    [PID ***] SAP_DB_LiveUpdate:  LiveUpdate failed
    [PID ***] Library function failed with error: 'Generic error', error message: 'Cannot update RS while different serivce is already running: ROLLING_UPDATE.'
    [PID ***] *** ERROR => 'Database live update' failed: Cannot update RS while different serivce is already running: ROLLING_UPDATE. [sapdbctrl.cp 5166]



  • SAP ASE BS 16.x
  • HADR
  • SAP Host Agent


SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 16.0 ; SAP Replication Server all versions


sybase   , KBA , BC-SYB-REP-SAP , Replication with SAP Suite / SAP BW , BC-DB-SYB , Business Suite on Adaptive Server Enterprise , BC-SYB-REP , Sybase Replication Server (standalone) , Problem

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