- Performing ASE HADR Rolling Update using SAP Host agent and instructions provided in SAP note note 2800495.
- Update Primary ASE completed with success.
- Update on Standby ASE
./saphostctrl -user sapadm **** -function LiveDatabaseUpdate -dbname <SID> -dbtype syb -dbinstance <SID>_REP -updatemethod Execute -updateoption TASK=UPDATE_RS -updateoption DROP_LOCATION="/DIR/Packages"
failed with error
Error: Command execution failed. : Cannot update RS while different serivce is already running: ROLLING_UPDATE. (fault code: 127)
- Log files :
<timestamp> == LiveUpdate started ==
<timestamp> UPDATE_RS=Cannot update RS while different serivce is already running: ROLLING_UPDATE
dev_sapdbctrl log
[PID ***] get_fileacc /sybase/<SID>/sapdbctrl-config.
[PID ***] stat file '/sybase/<SID>/sapdbctrl-config': 13
[PID ***] readFileToLines: Reading file: /sybase/<SID>/sapdbctrl-config/lupd_phase
[PID ***] luReadPhase: Phase: makestandby
[PID ***] luReadPhase: Service: ROLLING_UPDATE
[PID ***] luReadPhase: Failed over:
[PID ***] ERROR AT sybServer.cpp:luAppendResult:46082 TIME: xxx DESCRIPTION: Cannot update RS while different serivce is already running: ROLLING_UPDATE LAST OS-ERROR: (2) : No such file or directory
[PID ***] SAP_DB_LiveUpdate: LiveUpdate failed
[PID ***] Library function failed with error: 'Generic error', error message: 'Cannot update RS while different serivce is already running: ROLLING_UPDATE.'
[PID ***] *** ERROR => 'Database live update' failed: Cannot update RS while different serivce is already running: ROLLING_UPDATE. [sapdbctrl.cp 5166]
- SAP ASE BS 16.x
- SAP Host Agent
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 16.0 ; SAP Replication Server all versions
sybase , KBA , BC-SYB-REP-SAP , Replication with SAP Suite / SAP BW , BC-DB-SYB , Business Suite on Adaptive Server Enterprise , BC-SYB-REP , Sybase Replication Server (standalone) , Problem
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