IQ server can not start due to mount point issue.
"MYIP" is not using the designated IP Address
% start_iq -x "tcpip(;Port=7654)" Demo.db
it does not pick up the designated IP address. Followings are the error examples.
% ... -x tcpip{;port=7654}
Server failed to start
Possible cause: - Port number invalid or already in use
Checked the port number is free.
% start_iq -x tcpip{} servername
Database server stopped at ....
240112 Error TCPIP port options
Server failed to start
% start_iq -x tcpip{} servername
Communication error
Server failed to start
Possible cause: - Port number invalid or already in use
SAP IQ16.1 SP04.XX
CR828462, 828462, Myip , , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , BW-SYS-DB-IQ , BW on HANA with Sybase IQ Near-line Storage , Problem
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