Migrating or Converting a system using Software Update Manager(SUM) with option DMO and "system move" stops in phase "EU_CLONE_MIG_DT_IMP".
1. The following errors may be found.
1EETQ399 Last error code set is: Found 22 aborted processes/errors in log files.
1EETQ399XFound 21 failed import processes
1EETQ203 Upgrade phase "EU_CLONE_MIG_DT_IMP" aborted with errors
- Log file: load/migrate_dt/MIGRATE_DT_<numeric_value>_<Table_name>_IMP.LOG
A1EEIMP 008 Task failed with error: (BUF) Invalid checksum in data file (vmode=2)
A1EEIMP 008 (DFH) Cannot read data for table '<Table_name>' in '/SUM/abap/load/migrate_dt/MIGRATE_DT_<numeric_value>_<table_name>_IMP.005' - Log file: load/migrate_dt/MIGRATE_DT_<numeric_value>_IMP.LOG
A1EEIMP 008 Task failed with error: (DFH) Corrupted data file: illegal header '????'
A1EEIMP 008 (DFH) Read at offset 8085504 length 1024 in '/SUM/abap/load/migrate_dt/MIGRATE_DT_<numeric_value>_IMP.001'
A1EEIMP 008 (DFH) Cannot read description block for table <Table_name>
2. During the export in the source system, no errors were reported. And the .TSK file for the affected table failed during import is with status "ok".
- Software Update Manager (SUM) 2.0.
- S/4HANA conversion/migration.
EU_CLONE_MIG_DT_IMP, DMO with system move, Software Update Manager, SUM, load, migrate_dt, export, import, failed processes, R3load, EUMIGRATEDTIMP, S/4HANA conversion, migration, vmode=2, Corrupted data file, illegal header, Invalid checksum, Task failed, TSK, DFH, illegal header '????', Task failed with error, Cannot read description block for table, downtime, execution
, KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , Problem
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