- A connection on the coordinator causes versions pile up and user dbspace full and cannot be dropped.
- All the 3 Multiplex (MPX) servers need to be shutdown to clear the versions.
Excerpt of coordinator's IQMSG
Allocation failed. Dbspace IQ_USER_MAIN is OUT OF SPACE
Allocation failed. Dbspace IQ_USER_MAIN is OUT OF SPACE
-- Dbspace IQ_USER_MAIN full (due to versions pile up )
-- then the coordinator is "kill -15" and restarted
IQ OpenDatabase, checkpointblock: 907292204, recover: 1
- The coordinator is shutdown several times.
- In the meantime, the 2 secondary nodes continue loading tables.
- Then, node 2 also hit "out of space" error.
As the coordinator is shutdown several times and this doesn't clear the old versions,
the secondary node 2 needs to be shutdown with kill -9
the secondary node 3 can be shutdown gracefully with stop_iq
SAP IQ 16.1
versions; "pile up"; accumulate; accumulation , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem
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