SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3394484 - Post-Migration Process for NEO to Converged Cloud IPS Tenants - SuccessFactors Learning


If the proper steps are not followed after NEO IPS tenants are migrated to converged cloud, real-time user sync will stop working. This article will provide the steps that need to be taken to ensure proper migration.


SAP SuccessFactors Learning


  1. Access Learning Administration
  2. Go to System Administration > Configuration > System Configuration > Edit SAP CLOUD IDENTITY SERVICES
  3. Replace ipsSourceSystemID from the old value to the new one
    1. To find the new value, log in to IPS
    2. Go to LMS Source System
    3. In the URL, the new ID is the value at the end of the URL after "sourceSystems/"
  4. Replace ipsURL from the old value to the new IPS URL
  5. Replace ipsAPIUrl with the new base ipsURL value append with "/ipsproxy/service/api". The older configuration was just "/ips"
    • Example:
      • Take ipsUrl= and update ipsAPIUrl=
  6. Apply Changes

If real-time user sync is still not working:

  1. Access IAS
  2. Go to Users & Authorizations > Administrators
  3. The following authorizations will need to be enabled for the system admin ID that is formatted like "SAP LMS - <LMS Domain Name":
    • Read Users
    • Access Real-Time provisioning API

Note: The system admin is the one with the certificate configured under Configure System Authentication.

See Also

For more details on how to configure X.509 certificate based authentication and configuring certificate for system admin, Please see below:

Secure your SuccessFactors to IAS/IPS integration ... - SAP Community


IAS, real, time, user, sync, NEO, IPS, learning, lms, , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-IAS , LMS IAS Integration for External User , How To


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