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3395649 - SAP UI5 1.119.0 loading library issue - Example: ModuleError: failed to execute module factory for ''sap/insights/library.js'


  • SAPUI5 1.119.0 error loading libraries
  • Example 1: When using a Fiori Application like: My Inbox
                                                         |__Vendor Invoice Approval
                                                              |__When clicking F4 to get information about the field and application loading failed :"*.*maininit with the following error:


    Error likely caused by:
    ModuleError: failed to execute module factory for ''sap/insights/library.js'
     -> 'sap/viz/library.js'': Failed to execute 'sap/viz/library.js': Refused to evaluate a string as JavaScript because 'unsafe-eval' is not an allowed source of script in the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src *  data: blob:". at we (
        at ge.failWith (
        at c
    ~~~End error~~~~



SAPUI5 1.119.0


SAPUI5 1.0


"SAPUI5 patch update","SAPUI5 upgrade","SAPUI5 1.119.0 issue","SAPUI5 1.119.1","failed to execute module factory"," Failed to execute 'sap/viz/library.js'","F4 error","SAP Fiori F4","F4 produces error to load library","VIZ library","sap/viz/library.js","sap/insights/library.js" , KBA , CA-FLP-EXT-INS , SAP Insights , CA-UI5-DLV , UI5 ABAP delivery tools , Problem

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