Some of the SAP BW/4HANA Function Modules and Tables are not available in SAP BW bridge and it is necessary to replace them, in some cases the following message raises:
"The use of Function Module XXXX is not permitted."
"The use of Table XXX is not permitted."
- SAP Datasphere
- SAP BW Bridge
IF_RS_BW_CONVERSION, IF_BW4C_API, RSKC_CHAVL_OF_IOBJ_CHECK, the use of Table is not permitted, the use of Function Module is not permitted. , /BI0/JCOSTELMNT, AMDP, Usage of table not permitted, class not permitted, DATE_TO_PERIOD_CONVERT, FIRST_DAY_IN_PERIOD_GET, cl_batch_event, RSPCLOGCHAIN, Z_RSCK_ALLOWED_CHAR_GET, The use of FUNC, custom code , KBA , DS-BWB , BW Bridge , DS-BWB-DM-TRFN , SAP HANA execution in Transformation and DTP , DS-BWB-ME-TRFN , Transformation Metadata , Problem
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