You want to find out more about an enhancement delivered with the 2H 2023 Major Upgrade in relation to the Pay Statement in the native app (exclusive to Android devices)
SAP SuccessFactors App (Android)
Product enhancement
In the past, the SuccessFactors app never had a "loading" message or icon Android. Also, some performance issues were identified whereby the Pay Statement could take up to 10 seconds to load. The SAP SuccessFactors Mobile team made changes to that as part of the 2H 2023 Major Upgrade so as to
A) Add a "loading" message while pay statement is loading, and
B) Improve performance
MOB-76971, enhancement, performance, user experience, loading, loading icon, loading message, Android, pay statement, icon, mobile, KI2311, 2H 2023, 2311, KEA, Known Error, known issue, bug, error, fix, defect, release, production, preview, H2 , KBA , LOD-SF-INT-MAS , SF Mobile APP Pay Statement Mashup , Product Enhancement