SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3398787 - Service contract dates at line item level are not populated


Service contract start and end dates are not copied into some items, therefore items exist where the start and end dates are empty. 


  • Service Management (CRM)
  • SAP S/4HANA CE2308 


The issue is known to SAP and will be corrected through hotfix collection CE2308 HFC09. The hotfix is due to be implemented on customer systems over the weekend of 11th-12th of November. For more information see the following update schedule.

For service contracts where subsequent processing has already taken place, please raise a customer case with SAP - Component CRM-S4-SRV-CTR-2CL for service contracts and CRM-S4-SRV-SVO-2CL for service orders. SAP support will then analyse the documents and fix them accordingly.


Manage Service Contracts, F3763, CRMS4_SERV_CONTRACT_MANAGE_SRV, SAP_BR_CUSTOMER_SRVC_MGR, CONTSTART, CONTEND, CRMS4_CONT_START, CRMS4_CONT_END, item, header, copied, copy, transferred, initial, blank, 00.00.00, service order, service orders, order , KBA , CRM-S4-SRV-CTR-2CL , S4CRM: Service Contract (Public Cloud) , Problem


SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2308