SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview

3399684 - Client deletion ends with error SQL cod e 129 Al location failed ; $size$=1


You are doing a client deletion and it fails with an error similar to this one:

ERROR: Cannot delete in client: 060 table CDPOS
CDPOS The database registered an internal error. SQL cod e 129. The error text is: transaction rolled back by an internal error: Al
location failed ; $size$=1



HANA 1.0

HANA 2.0


SAP HANA, enterprise edition 1.0


client, copy, delete, memory, oom, cod, Al location failed , $size$=1, truncate, allocation, failed, memory, GLOBAL_ALLOCATION_LIMIT, Pool/LockManager , KBA , HAN-DB , SAP HANA Database , HAN-DB-ENG , SAP HANA DB Engines , Problem

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