User is trying to edit a custom logic in ABAP environment(customizing tenant) and getting error message "The editor can not be shown because the content can not be synchronized with the backend".
Reproducing the Issue
- Accessing ABAP Environment in the customizing tenant.
- Searching by custom logic YY1_ABC.
- Open the editor for YY1_ABC.
- Getting error message: "The editor can not be shown because the content can not be synchronized with the backend".
Business catalogs SAP_A4C_BC_DEV_SUP_PC and SAP_A4C_BC_DEV_OBJ_DIS_PC are not assigned to the user.
With the availability of Developer Extensibility for S/4HANA Cloud, it's possible to debug key user logic via the ABAP Development Tools (ADT). As a prerequisite, an ADT connection must be established and the used business user must have assigned the following business catalogs:
You can refer to Troubleshoot Custom Apps for more context and details on available troubleshooting tools in the field of developer extensibility.
However, custom logics created with Custom Logic app in the context of key user extensibility can only be accessed in display mode in the ABAP Environment in development system.
The ABAP Language Version of this object is "ABAP for Key Users" only. This can be checked in the "Properties > General" of this object in ABAP Environment.
Custom logics created with Custom Logic app in the context of key user extensibility can only be edited with the Custom Logic app in customizing tenant.
In order to display the custom logic in ABAP Environment, you need to assign business catalogs SAP_A4C_BC_DEV_SUP_PC and SAP_A4C_BC_DEV_OBJ_DIS_PC to the user.
Both business catalogs are part of business role template SAP_BR_APPL_SUP_ENG_DEV_SUP.
See Also
SAP Help - Key User Extensibility
SAP Help - Statements in ABAP for Key Users
custom logic, ADT, abap environment, development tenant, The editor can not be shown because the content can not be synchronized with the backend, 3SL, 3-System landscape, S/4HANA Cloud, public cloud , KBA , BC-SRV-APS-EXT-BO , Custom Tables and Nodes , How To