SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3400255 - "File contains element <PstlAdr> that is not defined in the format" error while importing bank statement - SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition


Bank statement import fails due to error: "File contains element <PstlAdr> that is not defined in the format".


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Enter App Manage Incoming Payment Files and upload bank statement manually (or via MBC electronically).
  2. In this case example it has format CAMT.053.001.02.
  3. Upload fails with the following errors:
  • An error occurred during the mapping.
  • File contains element <PstlAdr> that is not defined in the format


The bank file format contains fields that are not foreseen in the SAP delivered mapping. 

The mapping delivered by SAP follows the guidance of CGI Group. For this field <PstlAdr> there is no guidance (Bilaterally Determined). Because of this it is not included in the standard mapping.


Create your customized copy in 'Map Format Data for Incoming Files from Banks' Activity (SSCUI 170010) and add the field in the copy format.


map format data, SSCUI 170010, PstlAdr, <PstlAdr>, import, bank statement, element, MBC, CGI, Manage Incoming Payment Files, F1680, F1 680, missing field , KBA , FI-BL-PT-BA-2CL , bank statement (Public Cloud) , Problem


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition all versions