When you try to start an SAP MaxDB or liveCache database, the following error is shown in KnlMsg or KnlMsgArchive log files when mounting a DATA or LOG Volume:
Thread 0x20D4 Task 29 2023-11-11 23:29:56 AdminMsg 0: 654FD634009C 0000 RST RESTART
Thread 0x20D4 Task 29 2023-11-11 23:29:56 ERR RTEIO 12: Attach volume DATA_VOLUME_0010 failed during open,_FILE=RTEIO_VolumeInfo-k+noPIC.cpp,_LINE=1768
2023-11-11 23:29:56 ERR RTEIO 87: volume /sapdb/CS1/sapdata/DISKD0010 cannot be locked:24,ERRORTEXT=Too many open files,_FILE=RTEIO_VolumeInfo-k+noPIC.cpp,_LINE=2736
The volume /sapdb/CS1/sapdata/DISKD0010 cannot be locked. The corresponding system call returns the error code 24 : Too many open files.This indicates an overall configuration problem in the database and an access rights problem.
Contact your system administrator. Show him the error message which points to an operating system configuration error and then contact the database support if your system administrator can not fix the error.
Thread 0x20D4 Task 29 2023-11-11 23:29:56 ERR Admin 3: Database state: OFFLINE,_FILE=Kernel_Administration+noPIC.cpp,_LINE=1016
2023-11-11 23:29:56 KernelComm 6: Internal errorcode, Error code 9050 "disk_not_accessible"
2023-11-11 23:29:56 ERR Admin 20017: RestartFilesystem failed with 'I/O error',_FILE=Kernel_Administration+noPIC.cpp,_LINE=539
Thread 0x20B0 Task - 2023-11-11 23:29:57 ERR Messages 7: Begin of dump of registered messages,_FILE=Msg_Registry+noPIC.cpp,_LINE=507
Thread 0x20B0 Task - 2023-11-11 23:29:56 KernelComm 6: Internal errorcode, Error code 9050 "disk_not_accessible"
Thread 0x20B0 Task - 2023-11-11 23:29:56 ERR Admin 3: Database state: OFFLINE,_FILE=Kernel_Administration+noPIC.cpp,_LINE=1016
2023-11-11 23:29:56 KernelComm 6: Internal errorcode, Error code 9050 "disk_not_accessible"
2023-11-11 23:29:56 ERR Admin 20017: RestartFilesystem failed with 'I/O error',_FILE=Kernel_Administration+noPIC.cpp,_LINE=539
Thread 0x20B0 Task - 2023-11-11 23:29:57 ERR Messages 8: End of the message list registry dump,_FILE=Msg_Registry+noPIC.cpp,_LINE=544
Thread 0x20A6 Task - 2023-11-11 23:29:58 ERR RTEKernel 102: Kernel exited without core and exit status 0x200,_FILE=RTEKernel_Termination+noPIC.cpp,_LINE=704
Thread 0x20A6 Task - 2023-11-11 23:29:58 ERR RTEKernel 106: Kernel exited with exit code 0x2,_FILE=RTEKernel_Termination+noPIC.cpp,_LINE=782
Or you see messages similar to:
Thread 0x7D00 Task - 2024-02-25 16:25:22 ERR IO 11834: Can't open('/sapdb/data/ipc/us:<SID>/FIFO-2445.196796' mode 0x2), 'Too many open files'
Thread 0x7D00 Task - 2024-02-25 16:26:02 ERR IO 11834: Can't open('/sapdb/data/ipc/us:<SID>/FIFO-15581.65539' mode 0x2), 'Too many open files'
Thread 0x7D00 Task - 2024-02-25 16:27:22 ERR IO 11834: Can't open('/sapdb/data/ipc/us:<SID>/FIFO-2445.196797' mode 0x2), 'Too many open files'
Thread 0x7D00 Task - 2024-02-25 16:29:22 ERR IO 11834: Can't open('/sapdb/data/ipc/us:<SID>/FIFO-2445.196798' mode 0x2), 'Too many open files'
Thread 0x7D00 Task - 2024-02-25 16:30:07 ERR IO 11834: Can't open('/sapdb/data/ipc/us:<SID>/FIFO-16736.65536' mode 0x2), 'Too many open files'
Thread 0x7D00 Task - 2024-02-25 16:31:22 ERR IO 11834: Can't open('/sapdb/data/ipc/us:<SID>/FIFO-2445.196799' mode 0x2), 'Too many open files'
Thread 0x7D00 Task - 2024-02-25 16:33:22 ERR IO 11834: Can't open('/sapdb/data/ipc/us:<SID>/FIFO-2445.196800' mode 0x2), 'Too many open files'
Thread 0x7D00 Task - 2024-02-25 16:34:12 ERR IO 11834: Can't open('/sapdb/data/ipc/us:<SID>/FIFO-16736.65537' mode 0x2), 'Too many open files'
- MaxDB >= 7.6
- SAP liveCache >= 7.7
- UNIX Operating system
open files maxdb user limit liveCache unix nofiles disk_not_accessible , KBA , BC-DB-SDB , MaxDB , BC-DB-LVC , liveCache , Problem
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