B2b customers can not be replicated to Commerce cloud from ERP via CPI and following error can be seen in CPI logs.
Message Processing Log: StartTime = Fri Nov 03 09:54:48.638 UTC 2023 StopTime = Fri Nov 03 09:54:50.101 UTC 2023 OverallStatus = FAILED MessageGuid = AGVEw2iMh4iPiPWTjXQqrz_d0iRr LogLevel = INFO LogLevelExternal = NONE ArchivingLogAttachments= false ArchivingPersistedMessages= false ArchivingReceiverChannelMessages= false ArchivingSenderChannelMessages= false ChildCount = 0 ChildrenCounter = 67 ContextName = Replicate_B2B_Customer_From_ERP_To_SAP_Commerce_Cloud.I322402 CorrelationId = AGVEw2iiQdKnTtwHnWCYXCt8SNg1 ID = 14550819 IntermediateError = true LastError = java.lang.IllegalStateException: com.ctc.wstx.exc.WstxParsingException: Illegal processing instruction target ("xml"); xml (case insensitive) is reserved by the specs. at [row,col {unknown-source}]: [56,5], cause: com.ctc.wstx.exc.WstxParsingException: Illegal processing instruction target ("xml"); xml (case insensitive) is reserved by the specs. at [row,col {unknown-source}]: [56,5] LastErrorModelStepId= CallActivity_1398986 Node = vsa11990410 OriginComponentName = CPI_d200011 PreviousComponentName= CPI_d200011 ProcessId = 038409c305e7be220d5e541fb4644b8e3e32522a TransactionId = 8b6afc2deb464cc581644b3909625712 LocalPredecessors [ AGVEw2h5bXSNqt1HfxwVTz_mu-S1 ] |
- Product version: All SAP Commerce Cloud versions
SAP Commerce Cloud all versions
WstxParsingException,iflow,replicate,B2B,customer , KBA , CEC-SCC-INT-IAPI , Integration APIs , Problem
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