- Task are failing either intermittently or consistently.
- Trace log:
JOB: Job <JOBNAME> is terminated due to error <50406>.
- Error Log:
(14.3) 11-09-23 07:48:58 (E) (17591:4178044736) RUN-050406: |Session X|Data flow Z
Data flow <Z> received a bad system message. Message text from the child
process is <==========================================================
Collect the following and send to Customer Support:
1. Log files(error_*, monitor_*, trace_*) associated with this failed job.
2. Exported ATL file of this failed job.
3. DDL statements of tables referenced in this failed job.
4. Data to populate the tables referenced in the failed job. If not possible, get the last few rows (or sample of them) when
the job failed.
5. Core dump, if any, generated from this failed job.
==========================================================>. The process executing data flow
<Z> has died abnormally. For NT, check errorlog.txt. For HPUX, check
stack_trace.txt. Also, notify Technical Support.
(14.3) 11-09-23 07:48:58 (E) (17591:4178044736) RUN-050409: |Session QKC_MD_IBP_BW4_DDM_CUSTOMER
The job process could not communicate with the data flow <Z> process. For
details, see previously logged error <50406>.
(14.3) 11-09-23 07:48:58 (E) (17591:4178044736) RUN-050406: |Session X|Data flow Z
Data flow <Z> received a bad system message. Message text from the child
process is <==========================================================
Collect the following and send to Customer Support:
1. Log files(error_*, monitor_*, trace_*) associated with this failed job.
2. Exported ATL file of this failed job.
3. DDL statements of tables referenced in this failed job.
4. Data to populate the tables referenced in the failed job. If not possible, get the last few rows (or sample of them) when
the job failed.
5. Core dump, if any, generated from this failed job.
==========================================================>. The process executing data flow
<Z> has died abnormally. For NT, check errorlog.txt. For HPUX, check
stack_trace.txt. Also, notify Technical Support.
- The error message in the DSOnPremiseAgent log:
53839: 2023-11-10 06:46:36 UTC INFO: Catch exception while uncompressing data, exception:
KBA , LOD-HCI-DS , HANA Cloud Integration for Data Services , EIM-HCI , SAP HANA Cloud Integration (Data Services) , Problem
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