SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3401689 - Automatic reposting is not working for some jobs posted to Arbeitsagentur - Recruiting Posting


When posting a job to Arbeitsagentur with an end date set to 60 days after the start date, the job is being removed after 30 days even if the Automatic Reposting is configured in Recruiting Posting interface.


SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Posting


Our Product team is working on this as an Enhancement in the product.

Please contact your CSP or your Account Representative to monitor this Enhancement.

For Support Engineers and Account Representatives, please check Internal Memo.


automatic reposting arbeitsagentur, automatic reposting not working, reposting not working, arbeitsagentur , KBA , LOD-SF-RPO-JOB , Job Offer not to be found/ to be removed to Job Boards , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Posting all versions