Supplier and Service Performer are not automatically fetched by the system when creating Service Orders.
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Service Orders work center
- Select Service Order Processing view
- Search for service order ABC (Where ABC represents the Service Order ID)
- Click in Edit and View All
- Under General tab, notice that the party role Supplier and Service Performer have not been automatically determined.
The settings for the Supplier under Business Partner Data work center and/or the determination method for the Service Performer in the Fine Tuning activity Involved Parties for Service Orders are not correctly maintained.
In this scenario it is important to highlight that the Service Performer is a Service Agent.
First of all, make sure that a Supplier is assigned to the relevant Service Agent.
You can see which Supplier each Service Agent works for and see the relationship the Service Agent has with the Supplier and other Business Partners by following the below steps:
- Go to Business Partner Data work center
- Select Business Partners view
- Search for Service Performer ID EFG (Where EFG represents the Service Performer ID)
- Open the business partner EFG
- You can see in the Business Partner Roles that the role is Service Agent
- Click on the Service Agent hyperlink
- This opens Service Agent Overview: EFG
- Click on View All
- Check if the Supplier is maintained.
In case the Supplier is maintained for Service Agent EFG, we need to check the determination method for the Service Performer in the Fine Tuning activity Involved Parties for Service Orders.
- Go to the Business Configuration work center.
- Select the Implementation Project view.
- Select your implementation project.
- Click on Open Activity List
- Navigate to the Fine Tuning tab
- Select All Activities
- Open the activity Involved Parties for Service Orders
- Select the Party Role Service Performer
- Click on the Maintain Determination button.
Here you see that there are 4 methods for the determination of the Service Performer:
Step 10->Direct responsible of Account
Step 15-> Event
Step 20-> Responsibility "Service Performer for Service Orders" from serv loc
Step 40-> Responsibility "Service Performer for Service Orders"
The system will go through all steps until it is successful.
Once you maintains a determination rule, the system will be able to automatically determine both Party Roles while creating a Service Document.
See Also
Incorrect, assigned, missing, service order, not available. , KBA , SRD-CRM-ORD , Orders & Contracts , Problem