SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3405045 - Not able to acknowledge the notification: Approved Purchase Order Changed


Error message "You do not have sufficient authorization to execute this task" when trying to open the notification: Approved Purchase Order Changed.

When trying to acknowledge, see below error on the bottom of the page "0 or 1 notifications acknowledged".


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Home work center.
  2. Navigate to Work view - Inbox sub view.
  3. Select the notification: Approved Purchase Order ABC Changed (ABC represents the affected purchase order ID).
  4. Try to open it, receive error: You do not have sufficient authorization to execute this task.
  5. Click on Actions and acknowledge the notification, receive warning message on the bottom of the page: 0 or 1 notifications acknowledged.
  6. Click on Actions-> Open Details, then on the detail page, click on Actions-> Acknowledge, system drop errors:
    • Cannot acknowledge notification
    • You are not authorized to edit task details


User has no access right to view ID SRM_PURCHASEORDERS, which is an essential view for operational purchasing if the user has been defined as the responsible notification receiver.


Please assign access right of view ID SRM_PURCHASEORDERS to the user via Application and User Management - Business User - Access Right button, and afterwards user will be able to acknowledge the notification as expected.

See Also

Help Portal: Notification - Approved Purchase Order Changed


Approved Purchase Order Changed, You do not have sufficient authorization to execute this task, 0 or 1 notifications acknowledged, Cannot acknowledge notification, You are not authorized to edit task details , KBA , AP-POP-PO , Purchase Order , Problem


SAP Business ByDesign all versions