Unable to upload .ics format file in Content of Workspaces, showing error 'Upload failed: Uploading of .html files is not allowed!'.
Reproducing the Issue
1. Open any Workspaces
2. Open a Content section
3. Click Upload File
4. Upload a .ics format file
5. Showing 'Upload failed: Uploading of .html files is not allowed!' error message
.ics file is allowed in Work Zone Content, but .html file is not allowed.
The uploaded .ics file contains .html file and caused the error.
Please check if .html file is included in .ics file.
The html file might be invisible but can be verified by checking Format Text, e.g. Outlook meetings format text using HTML.
If the text formatting is changed to Plain text or Rich text, and save the .ics file, it can be uploaded successfully.
.html file, .ics file, Format Text, Outlook meetings, format text, HTML, ICS, Plain text, Rich text, Upload, Work Zone, Content, Worksapces, Workpage , KBA , LOD-SF-SWZ-CNT , General Content (File Download & Upload) , Problem