Whenever an user is trying to open a workbook from another platform under path File -> Analysis -> Open Workbook, just one option is available (i.e.: Open a workbook from the SAP Business Warehouse Platform) instead of all options to open from BIP and SAC as well.
When right clicking in the "Select Data Source" screen -> Create Connection, there is just one option available instead of all of them.
Example for "Open Workbook":
Example for "Select Data Source" when creating a new connection:
- SAP Analysis for Microsoft Office
Open Workbook, Analysis, Office, Preferred Platform, Selectable, BW, BIP, SAC, Business Intelligence Platform, Business Warehouse, SAP Analytics Cloud, Select Data Source, BO, login, screen, dialog, BI, skip, insert, BusinessObjects, BOE, enterprise, logon, blank, nothing, not available, window, dialogue , KBA , BI-RA-AO-XLA , Excel Addin , How To
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