SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3407098 - The Net Book Value in Repot Does not Equal to the Value in the Fixed Asset Master Data


When you check the 'Planned Net book Value' of fixed asset 123 in report Fixed Assets - Inventory List, you find that the net book value does not equal to the value in the fixed asset master data(123 represents the fixed asset ID).


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Fixed Assets work center.
  2. Go to List view.
  3. Open Report: Fixed Assets - Inventory List.
  4. Filter for fixed asset 123.
  5. Set 'Values until Accounting Period/Year: Current Fiscal Period'
  6. You can see the Planned Net book Value of fixed asset 123.


  1. Go to Fixed Assets work center.
  2. Go to Fixed Assets view.
  3. Search and open fixed asset 123.
  4. Under Values tab, Book Values subtab,
  5. You noticed that the net book value is not the same as the one in the report.


Report 'Fixed Assets - Inventory List' shows the acquisition value and net book value for all the fixed assets by a selected accounting period and year. It is the expected value for the asset in the selected period. Therefore, you need to consider the planned depreciation amount under Depreciation Overview tab for each asset. If you view the Depreciation View of the Fixed Asset there will be at least a period that has yellow triangle beside the period. It means that a Depreciation Run should be performed for this fixed asset.


System works as designed. Once you performed the depreciation run for the fixed asset, the net book value should be the same.


Fixed Asset, Net Book Value, Report: Fixed Assets - Inventory List, Depreciation Amount, , KBA , SRD-FIN-FA , Fixed Assets , Problem


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