SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3407712 - "Domain verification failed. Try verifying again after the TXT record has been added to your domain DNS records" appears when adding a new domain in Manage Email Notifications


User is trying to add a new Domain in SuccessFactors "Manage Email Notifications".
The following error appears: Domain verification failed. Try verifying again after the TXT record has been added to your domain DNS records.


SAP SuccessFactors HXM Core

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Enter Manage E-Mail Notifications
  2. Click at manage domains "Add"
  3. Enter new domain in domain field and send notification email to any active email address
  4. In pop-up click "Add" afterwards verify
  5. Error message appears


1) Contact your IT department and add the TXT record to the DNS record list of the domain owned by your organization.

It takes up to 48 hours for the DNS update to take effect and the automation process to complete the ownership verification.
2) Please also make sure ,The TXT DNS record added should be :
  1. Standalone TXT record, don’t merge the content with other site verification DNS record , For example : should be like below


      2. Click ‘Copy Record’ button to get clean value of the record, which should looks like below and should not be appended with any extra record  , otherwise Domain verification will be failed with "token is not same url" 


Tips: customer can add more than one domain verification dns records. When one of them is correct, our system can verify it successfully.

See Also

Adding Verified Domains


domain verification failed, new domain, manage email notifications,token is not same url" , KBA , LOD-SF-PLT-NOT , Email Notifications , How To


SAP SuccessFactors HXM Core 2311


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