SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3408318 - Intermittent CSN error "has not been found" for view's deployment accessing shared objects


When deploying a view which uses shared objects, an intermittent error might happen:
The deployment of "View_Name" was unsuccessful.
Error(s): CSN Compilation failed with following messages:
Errors(ORIGINAL): (in entity:“View_Name”/query:1) Artifact “Share_Object” has not been found [Ln 651]
Errors(FORMATTED): (in entity:“View_Name”/query:1) Artifact “Shared_Object” has not been found [Ln 651].


SAP Datasphere

Reproducing the Issue

Deploy a View which consumes shared objects in its modelling.


The error is still under analysis by SAP Datasphere development team. 
This KBA will be updated with workaround/final fix once there are new updates. 


cross sharing object, cross-sharing, using, consuming, use, consume, access , KBA , DS-MD-VIW , Views , DS-MD , Modeling (Data Builder) , DS-MD-REPO , Repository Backend , Known Error


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