SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3408762 - Limitation of Characters in the Pricing Table Name


When adding a new Custom Pricing Table in the system, you notice that a few characters are being removed from the Pricing Table Name after the save is performed.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Business Configuration Work Center.
  2. Go to the Overview View.
  3. In the search field, search for Configure Price Strategy.
  4. Open, select the Pricing Table hyperlink.
  5. Select Add Row button.
  6. In the Pricing Table Name field, Enter the desired Pricing Table Name.
  7. In the Relevance field, Select either Header Level or Item Level.
  8. In the Fields section, Select Add Row button.
  9. Enter the desired fields.
  10. Select Save button.

A few characters are removed from the Pricing Table Name after the save is performed.


The Pricing Table Name field has a limitation of 18 characters (including spaces and also the prefix CUS).

If more than 18 characters are maintained in the Pricing Table Name for its creation, the characters add after the character 18 will be removed when the save action is performed.

For example: if a Pricing Table Name is added as CUS TEST TEST TEST123, the characters '123' will be removed after the save is performed and the Pricing Table Name will be displayed as CUS TEST TEST TEST.


This is standard system behavior. 

See Also

KBA: 2654104 - How to Delete Custom Pricing Table


limitation, pricing table name, name, pricing table, characters , KBA , AP-PRC-PC , Calculation , How To


SAP Business ByDesign all versions