Quote total are not updated when product item type is changed to optional.
SAP SALES CLOUD CPQ with Quote 2.0
Reproducing the Issue
- Add proper calculations to ItemType for Main Item and Line Item in Fields, Calculations, Layout inside Setup
- Create a quote and add any Product
- Change the ItemType from Base to Optional.
Expected CPQ system behavior.
If the calculations are set correctly, when a product ItemType is changed to Optional, the value of that product will be subtracted from the Quote total.
The total will be the value of the product if ItemType is changed back to Base.
See Also
Below there is a list of calculations that need to be added in Fields and calculations for ItemType:
- Total Amount
- Product Type One-Time List Price
- Total Recurring Cost
- Product Type One-Time Net Price
- Product Type One-Time Gross Margin Percent
- Product Type One-Time Cost
- Product Type Recurring List Price
- Product Type Recurring Net Price
- Product Type Recurring Cost
- Total Recurring Amount
- Total Recurring Net Price
- Total Recurring List Price
- Item One-Time Extended List Price
- Item One-Time Extended Amount
- Item One-Time Discount Percent (from One-Time Extended Amount)
- Total Cost
- Total One-Time List Price
- Total One-Time Net Price
Relevant Help pages:
calculations, CPQ, total, quote, optional, base, line, price, product type, itemtype , KBA , CEC-SAL-CPQ , Sales Cloud CPQ , Bug Filed