SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3409294 - You have created a Payment Allocation and the "Payment Allocated To" field is not available.


The "Payment Allocated To" field is not visible when a specific account, is selected in the Customer/Supplier ID field in a payment allocation.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Navigate to the Payment Management work center.
  2. Select the view Payment Allocation.
  3. Select the dropdown option: In preparation Payment Allocations.
  4. Open any allocation.
  5. Enter the value ABC into the Customer/Supplier ID field. (ABC is representing the Customer/Supplier ID).
  6. The "Payment Allocated To" field does not appear.


This is standard and expected system behaviour.


The "Payment Allocated To" field appears only if the account has multiple functions.

To identify if this is the case:

  1. Go to the Business Partner Data work center.
  2. Select the view Suppliers/Customers.
  3. Search and find the account ABC.
  4. Go to the General Tab
  5. Under the Supplier/Customer name you will see the multiple functions available.
  6. If more than one of these are selected the "Payment Allocated To" field will become available.

See Also

- KBA LONG_DIGITS - Error : Payment Allocated To Missing


Payment Allocation, Payment Allocated To, Missing Field, Supplier/Customer , KBA , SRD-FIN-CLM , Cash and Liquity Managment , Problem


SAP Business ByDesign all versions