SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3409762 - Percentage sign missing in SAC tables with BW Live models


In an SAC (SAP Analytics Cloud) story with a table widget, the percentage format does not appear in cells.

Whereas in transaction RSRT the percentage format is displayed on these cells.

However, only in case not all cells have the percentage format in the SAC, then the percentage sign is shown:

"Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental."


  • SAP Analytics Cloud
  • SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Open an SAC story
  2. Insert a Table from a BW Live model that contains percentage data
  3. When all cells are in percentage format, the format do not appear on the table


  1. Select the affected table widget
  2. Open 'Styling'
  3. Select the data in the table:
  4. Set 'Display unit/currencies' to 'Cells'

The percentage format will appear


KBA , LOD-ANA-LDC-BW , SAC Live Data Connection BW , LOD-ANA-TAB , Table , Problem


SAP Analytics Cloud 1.0


Pasted image.png
Pasted image.png