SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3410349 - Unified Data Model - Is it necessary to create new Job Layouts? - Recruiting Marketing


When the Unified Data Model is enabled, is it necessary to create New Job Layouts?


SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Marketing 


The existing job layouts are not ported over when enabling the Unified Data Model.

A default layout with limited components is present by default upon UDM enablement and applied to all jobs until custom layouts are created and applied based on the configured rules.
The default layout can simply be updated if a single layout is required but additional custom layouts can be created depending on requirement.
Since this is a fallback layout, no Layout Rules are available as by definition it will apply to all jobs not falling under any custom layout.
This fallback layout cannot be deleted.

When creating Custom Layouts, thanks to the flexibility of the Unified Data Model, you can now add many fields as job tokens but also as filters in your layout rules. The job requisition template fields are now directly available for use as well as Locales and Brands.
As a result far fewer layouts are likely to be required since filters can be combined. If no locale filter is applied and all filter values are translated (even if they are displayed only in the user's language), the custom layout will be applied across all languages.

Note that since Brands and Locales are now available as filters in the Layout Rules, the options for Brands and Locales are no longer appearing on the left hand side when opening the Job layout page.


job layout, new, unified data model, csb, rmk, udm , KBA , LOD-SF-RMK-CSB-LAY , Job Layouts, Email Layouts, Job Alerts Layouts , How To


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