SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3410451 - Dimension property "ID" and "Description" would not appear in the "Link On" list on "Link Dimensions" panel in story when this dimension hierarchy is Level-Based hierarchy in SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC)


  • Create two models with several dimensions and enable the Level-Based hierarchy for one of these dimensions in these two models respectively
  • Create a story based on these two models and enable the linked dimension based on the Level-Based hierarchy dimension in these two models
  • Observe that the "ID" and "Description" property of this dimension would not appear in the "Link On" list on "Link Dimensions" panel under one of these two models, meaning this "ID" and "Description" property could not be used when configuring the linked dimension in this story


  • SAP Analytics Cloud 2023.21.8

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Log on to SAC
  2. Create two models and enable the Level-Based hierarchy for one of the dimensions in these two models respectively
  3. Create a story based on these two models
  4. Navigate to "Tools" in the tool bar and click on "Link Dimensions" to Open the "Link Dimensions" panel
  5. Click on "Add Model Link" button and insert these two models into this "Link Dimensions" panel
  6. Select the Level-Based hierarchy dimensions in these two models respectively to create a linked dimension based on it
  7. Navigate to "Matched Dimensions" part in this panel
  8. Click on the three dot graph button on this Level-Based Hierarchy dimension under one of these two models
    => Observe that only level-based hierarchy and option "Exclude descendants" would appear on "Link On" panel, while option "ID" and "Description" would not appear on this "Link On" list panel, meaning that it may not be possible to choose to link on ID or Description dimension property when configuring this linked dimension from this model 


  • The issue is caused by a defect in the product.


This issue has been addressed in version 2024.8

See Also

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sapanalyticscloud, sap analytical cloud, sap analytical cloud, SAC, sap analyst cloud, Story, story, Stories, stories, linked dimension, model, level based hierarchy, link on, ID, Description , KBA , LOD-ANA-DES-BLEXDW , SAP Analytics Cloud Blending, Batch Export, Dynamic Images , Problem


SAP Analytics Cloud 1.0