- Periodically, customer's IQ server reports below error and IQ server crashes or hangs requiring a reboot to recover from the error.
I. 11/17 04:13:38. 0001343707 I. 11/17 04:13:38. Exception Thrown from dflib/dfo_ColumnVector.cxx:242, Err# 1058, tid 140552188131072 origtid 140552188131072
I. 11/17 04:13:38. 0001343707 O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 9216 (df_Exception); SQLCode: -1001047, SQLState: 'QFA43', Severity: 14
I. 11/17 04:13:38. 0001343707 [20556]: Ran out of IQ large memory (-iqlm) .
-- (dflib/dfo_ColumnVector.cxx 242)
I. 11/17 04:29:53. 0001345283 ----- LMA::Dump (oslib/hos_mem.cxx:3216)-------
I. 11/17 04:29:53. 0001345283 Flexible Memory Usage ---
I. 11/17 04:29:53. 0001345283 Max Specified Large Memory = 1048576000000
I. 11/17 04:29:53. 0001345283 Percentage of Flexible Memory =50
I. 11/17 04:29:53. 0001345283 Percentage of Inflexible Memory =80
I. 11/17 04:29:53. 0001345283 Percentage of Anti-starvation =50
I. 11/17 04:29:53. 0001345283 Max Available Flexible Memory = 524288000000
I. 11/17 04:29:53. 0001345283 Max Available Inflexible Memory = 943718400000
I. 11/17 04:29:53. 0001345283 Total Granted Flexible Memory=0
I. 11/17 04:29:53. 0001345283 Total Users of Flexible Memory= 0
I. 11/17 04:29:53. 0001345283 Flexible memory still allocated:
I. 11/17 04:29:53. 0001345283 Inflexible Memory Usage ---
I. 11/17 04:29:53. 0001345283 Total Granted Inflexible Memory =134225920
I. 11/17 04:29:53. 0001345283 Total Users of Allocates Inflexible Memory = 4098
I. 11/17 04:29:53. 0001345283 Total Unlocked Inflexible Memory = 1045652992000
I. 11/17 04:29:53. 0001345283 Total Users of Unlocked Inflexible Memory = 920918
I. 11/17 04:29:53. 0001345283 Inflexible memory still allocated:
I. 11/17 04:29:53. 0001345283 MemID= 3 Status=LM_ALLOC Priority=LM_HIGH MemSize= 67109376 Counter=1 MemAddr=0x7f1c868ff000
- Current startup parameters of IQ server
-iqpartition 32
-iqmc 640000
-iqtc 440000
-iqlm 540000
- Current OS setting of 'max_map_count'
/proc/sys/vm/max_map_count = 65530
SAP IQ16.1 SP05
CR828768, 828768, "iqlm", "Inflexible Memory", "Flexible Memory", "max_map_count" , "sysctl.conf" , , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem
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