In APP Create Purchase Order- Advanced, when the Delivery Date in Item Overview is Manually changed, the Tax Date in the Invoice tab of Item Detail is changed to the changed value.
But, when the Delivery Date in the Delivery Schedule tab of Item Detail is manually changed, the Tax Date in the Invoice tab of Item Detail is not changed to the changed value.
Standard system design
The reason is that the tax date is not always determined only from the delivery date, there are multiple influencing factors which might lead to a different determination and all of them reside on item level.
The tax date is then also used for further determinations on item level. The processing of schedule lines is later in the sequencing and therefore a change of the schedule line delivery date cannot be replicated back to the item as then also a lot of other item determinations would need to be retriggered.
Also, we could have multiple schedule lines and then we would not be able to set the tax date from there as it is then unclear from which schedule line it shall be taken.
tax date, item, S4HC, MM-PUR-PO, Purchase order, delivery date, change in date, S4_1C, Delivery Schedule tab, Invoice tab, S4_PC , KBA , MM-PUR-PO , Purchase Orders , Problem