A given customer or partner XYZ (XYZ represents the account ID) is not visible in Marketing Consent report despite having withdrawn consent.
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to work center: Marketing
- Open view: Reports
- Open Marketing Consent report
- Search for Business Partner: XYZ
The search results in 'No data'.
No permissions were maintained in the Business Partner data
- Go to work center: Account Management
- Open the view: Accounts
- Search All Accounts: XYD
- Edit, View All
- Navigate to the Marketing Tab and then the Marketing Consent subtab
Here you can see no rules have been set.
Select Add Row then maintain the appropriate communication channels (E-mail, fax, etc.).
Marketing, Marketing Consent, Permission, Report, Account, Accounts, Business Partner, Business Partners , KBA , SRD-CRM-MKT , Marketing , Problem
SAP Business ByDesign all versions