- Analysis reports not launching with error message "The launcher returned an error. Check logfile of the add-in"
- While opening reports directly from AO to Webservice is giving error message "Error while checking availability of SAP Business objects BI platform system"
- Error message in the logs "Cause of exception: GetServerInfo exception (Error: WSE 99999)CauseMessage: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel with authority"
- The environment has SSL configured
- SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform 4.3
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.3
SSL, transport, analysis office, AO, BIP, BOE, BOBJ, BI, deploy, dswsbobje, webapp, web application, upgrade, update, install , KBA , BI-BIP-DEP , Webapp Deployment, Networking, Vulnerabilities, Webservices , BI-RA-AO-BIP , AO Precalculation, Scheduling and AO InfoOb... , Problem
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