You have created and released a POS sales transaction, in the document flow tab you are able to find the outbound delivery document but no customer invoice document.
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
Go to the Customer Invoicing work center.
- Go to the Point-of-Sale Transactions view.
- Select the Sales Transaction sub view.
- Open Sales Transaction ABC (ABC represents the Internal ID of the Sales Transaction).
- Go to the Document Flow tab, there is no Customer Invoice document created.
In POS sales transactions, the financial documents are generated out of the POS sales transaction, no customer invoice documents are generated.
You can find more information from help center documents:
Point-of-Sale Transaction Processing
for sales transaction, If the sales transaction data is consistent, it is automatically released to Financial Management and Inventory Management.
Correct and Release a Sales Transaction If you have released the sales transaction, if required, the system creates a goods and activity confirmation in Inventory Management to post the goods issue and creates a corresponding journal entry in Financial Management. To check whether Financial Management documents have been created, search for the sales transaction in the All Sales Transactions view, open the sales transaction, and check the Document Flow.
This is the designed system behavior.
POS; Point-of-sales; Point Of Sales; no customer invoice. , KBA , SRD-CRM-SEO , Service Orders , Problem